
Welcome! The purpose of this blog is to investigate interdisciplinary perspectives on issues of communicating across difference as they relate to the teaching of language and composition. If this is your first time visiting the Annotation Station, you can orient yourself more quickly by knowing I view issues of language, identity, and literacy as ideological issues (rather than neutral), multiple (rather than singular) and fluid and dynamic (rather than fixed and static). I am therefore very interested in translingual, transmodal, transcultural, and transnational communication practices with a critical eye to how power discrepancies shape these issues. Feel free to use this blog as a resource if it meets with your own research and teaching interests, and definitely use the comments feature to suggest any connections and insights of your own.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

"Conditions of (Im)Possibility" - Nancy Bou Ayash

Bou Ayash, Nancy. "Conditions of (Im)Possibility: Postmonolingual Language Representations in Academic Literacies." College English 78.6 (2016): 555-577.

Bou Ayash brings attention to the "complex dialectic between students' language representations and practices, their interrelationship with dominant language representations and practices of the academy and its local institutions, and the material implications of the negotiation of these" and urges readers to view academic literacies as embedded, rather than removed from changing practices (574).  Reductive representations of language practices can have a limiting effect on students' performance of literate acts.  She uses examples of four university students in Lebanon to show how translating and incorporating resources across and beyond languages are encouraged (or not).

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