
Welcome! The purpose of this blog is to investigate interdisciplinary perspectives on issues of communicating across difference as they relate to the teaching of language and composition. If this is your first time visiting the Annotation Station, you can orient yourself more quickly by knowing I view issues of language, identity, and literacy as ideological issues (rather than neutral), multiple (rather than singular) and fluid and dynamic (rather than fixed and static). I am therefore very interested in translingual, transmodal, transcultural, and transnational communication practices with a critical eye to how power discrepancies shape these issues. Feel free to use this blog as a resource if it meets with your own research and teaching interests, and definitely use the comments feature to suggest any connections and insights of your own.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Adopting a Constructivist Approach - Jane Mills et al

Mills, Jane, Ann Bonner & Karen Francis. “Adopting a Constructivist Approach to Grounded Theory: Implications for Research Design”. International Journal of Nursing Practice 12 (2009): 8-13.

Identifying Glaser & Strauss as the founders of (the post positivistic) grounded theory, they acknowledge important contributions from Charmaz and Mitchell in redefining the subject position of the role of objective researcher and repositioning study participants as partners in research.

On pg. 9, the writers put forth criteria for a constructivist approach to research using grounded theory, which are listed below:
  1. The creation of a sense of reciprocity between participants and the researcher in the coconstruction of meaning and, ultimately, a theory that is grounded in the participants’ and researcher's experiences.
  2. The establishment of relationships with participants that explicate power imbalances and attempts to modify these imbalances.
  3. Clarification of the position the author takes in the text, the relevance of biography and how one renders participants’ stories into theory through writing
These can be summarized as key principles of relationship, reciprocity, and relevant positioning.

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